Pennsylvania-based watershed and conservation organizations eligible to apply for Growing Greener Grants are eligible to receive C-SAW assistance.
Examples of eligible groups include:
- Incorporated watershed organizations recognized by Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection and established to promote local watershed conservation efforts.
- Counties, municipalities, and their subdivisions.
- County conservation districts.
- Charitable organizations or educational institutions involved in research, restoration, rehabilitation, planning, acquisition, development, or other activities that protect, enhance, conserve, and preserve Pennsylvania’s environmental resources.
- Other informally-organized Pennsylvania community groups such as, but not limited to: lake groups, stream-oriented groups, or lake community associations.
The project must also address pollution or watershed degradation sources commensurate with local watershed-based planning for restoration, protection, abandoned mine reclamation, or oil and gas well plugging efforts. More specific details are available on the Growing Greener website.
Not Sure If Your Group Is Eligible?
Contact Pocono Northeast Resource Conservation and Development Council to find out.
Pocono Northeast RC&D Council
P.O. Box 432
Dalton PA 18414
(570) 234-3577